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Your Life is your Story

"Your life is your story write well… edit often" My friend has a greeting card posted in her office with the tag line above. This simple...

A Call to Believers

This is a public service announcement to Believers!!! But who are these Believers, you ask? And in what do they believe exactly? This is...


One of my "better educated " white friends referred to someone as “white trash” in my presence. I immediately recoiled and responded,...

Wake Me When This is All Over!

I can’t sleep can’t sleep, so I write. I can’t sleep so I let my mind wander about. But what I don’t do is housework when I can’t sleep...

Resistance is not Futile

Star Trek fans will likely recognize this reference as a twist on the infamous threat from the Borg. The Borg “species” presents as this...

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