Ask God to help you recognize his goodness and mercy in your life.

I must step away from the pandemic/COVID-19 topic. You must be just as exhausted as I am with the constant consumption of information on only one dimension of my life. Please understand that in no way am I minimizing the significance of this pandemic. Remember that I only recently survived COVID; my familiarity is intimate you might say.
I am wondering, however, if we are neglecting other dimensions of our lives as we search for the most effective face mask and travel to multiple dollar stores to find some Lysol Disinfectant Spray. And there was the rearranging of the closets to accommodate all the extra toilet paper-some of which will not be used until early spring 2021. Where is that balance?
And then there is that anxiety that forces us into endless conversations about the graduation ceremonies, proms, and family celebrations that either will not happen or will fall short of our original plans.

Normally, spring conversations with my friends and neighbors revolve around new additions to our gardens and plans for the summer. Early spring always feels like renewal after a long, cold winter. It is invigorating to experience the evidence of our Creator through new life ... the spring and summer. Like, may others, my joy has been dampened a bit this spring, however. Yet, I found joy in my heart nonetheless.
To ignore all the other facets of my life that similarly remind me of God’s goodness feels short-sighted and ungrateful. I must take note that my children love me and look to me for guidance; they respect me. I have dear friends whose love held me tightly as my body battled the coronavirus. Also, my current solitude allows for more reading, cooking, and writing-all my favorite activities. So why shouldn’t I have feel joyful?
I am grateful that I can think clearly enough to follow a recipe and write well enough that I can live in my purpose. I take nothing for granted.
I know you can likewise reflect on something that has brought you joy during your time of solitude as well. If not, why not search for it? Ask God to help you recognize his goodness and mercy in your life.

Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: …
My servants will sing out of the joy in their hearts. (New International Version, Isaiah 65: 13,14)
As believers, we are compelled to reflect the joy in knowing that our salvation has been secured. We will always live amid misfortune and sadness, that we know, but rejoicing comes in the morning (Psalms 30:5). Rest assured that God has not abandoned us. Pray continuously for the joy that awaits you in the morning.